Thursday, September 18, 2014

Such a procrastinator.

Yes, I know.  I haven't posted in forever.  I really don't mean to be lax, I just have been super busy.  And to be honest, I felt like this blog was more for me than anything.  I mean, who really wants to read about my library and my wacky ideas.

But, then one day on Pinterest I saw something that blew me away.  Someone had pinned a picture from my blog.  People see this??  Wow.  So I'll continue to post my ideas and see what happens.  I don't have a lot of time right now to go into depth, and I need to get better pictures of a few things, but here is the most fun idea I've had in a while.

I hate my barcode scanner.  It is old and the grip is coming off.  I've used the brand new ones at the public library and they make me soooo jealous!  So I have tried to come up with a way to jazz mine up.  This is what I settled on:
This is my scanner's new look.  He's a proper English butler, and he's always on hand to help me with my work.  His name is Sir Reginald.  The kids think he's hilarious and he was so easy to make!  I used googly eyes and buttons to make his eyes.  I didn't intend for the monocle look, but it came out that way with the bigger button.  I had the little mustache magnet on hand so I added it for fun.  The pieces are attached with Velcro  so I could easily change out his features.  Oh, and the leopard at the top of the screen is the one I am hoping to use on our library's home page, I just need the artist's permission.